Ty Lee

Ty Lee is a cheerful and energetic teenaged girl from the Fire Nation. The daughter of a Fire Nation nobleman, she attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls with her friends, Princess Azula and Mai. Having six sisters that look identical to her, she eventually ran away from home and joined the Fire Nation Circus, becoming an acrobatic performer.

Ty Lee is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, utilizing a unique form of martial arts that attacks pressure points on the human body. By striking a person's pressure points, she is able to disrupt that individual's chi flow and temporarily remove their ability to move and use bending. She and Mai were recruited by Princess Azula to hunt down and capture the Avatar and his friends.

When Mai betrays Azula to save Zuko's life, Ty Lee attacks Azula to stop her from hurting Mai, and is therefore imprisoned. While there, she meets the Kyoshi Warriors and befriends them. In return for teaching them how to block chi, she joins their group and is released from prison when the war is over.

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