
Chris McLean is the narcissistic host of the Total Drama series and a parody of Survivor host Jeff Probst, originally hailing from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. According to the contestants, he has had a career in hosting reality television and nearly all of the budget allotted to Total Drama Island and its successors are allocated to his pay, though he states that he takes on many other crew responsibilities (including writer and executive producer); as a result, the show employs many unpaid interns (most of which he claims are seriously injured or killed during production). Sadistic at heart, he cares very little for the contestants' safety or well-being, except when his own livelihood is at stake; in return, the contestants continue to dislike Chris, staying on with the competition only for the prize money. Appearing cheerful and assertive throughout the show, Chris's personality is often ruthless, narcissistic and self-centered. Since he is mostly protective of his high-society lifestyle, most (or maybe all) of the competitors on the show end up hating him. However, in the ending of the last episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, he has been placed under arrest by the RCMP for hosting a show in a toxic nuclear waste dump and sentenced to decontamination.

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