Minerva Mink

An attractive young mink, voiced by Julie Brown, with the ability to seduce and charm any and every male creature around her into the state of a babbling idiot, often inducing Tex Avery-esque wild takes. Just as every male creature lusts after Minerva, she lusts after every handsome looking male she sees and goes crazy when she sees one. She has a loose attitude and behaves like a primadonna. She was coined to be named Marilyn Mink in pre-production.

In "Moon Over Minerva" she was courted by a geeky wolf by the name of Wilford B. Wolf, who becomes a gorgeous, muscular Fabio-type werewolf when a full moon rose. In "Meet Minerva" a dachshund named Newt (voiced by Laugh-In veteran Arte Johnson) is ordered by his master to catch Minerva for her pelt. Foolish Newt becomes smitten with her instead and spend his time trying to capture her heart, catering to her every whim.

She starred in the least number of shorts of all the ensemble cast, allegedly because the content of her shorts was so overtly sexual that it was decided that it would be inappropriate for the intended predominantly young audience. For instance, Minerva is often seen in silhouette in the nude.

Another possible reason is that, because she is also terribly vain and shallow, she was probably considered a bad role model for little girls. Nonetheless, both Minerva and Newt appeared in several issues of the Animaniacs comic book (with Minerva's sexuality a bit watered down, but Newt still his ever-blundering self). She also appears in Wakko's Wish as an ensemble member, but has a couple solo lines to herself.

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