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Elektra is a ninja assassin of Greek descent. She wields two bladed sai as her trademark weapon. She is a love interest of the superhero Daredevil, but her violent nature and mercenary lifestyle divide the two. She is one of Frank Miller's best-loved creations, and subsequent writers' use of her is controversial as Marvel had originally promised to not resurrect the character without Miller's permission. She has also appeared as a supporting character of the X-Men's Wolverine.
She is named after Electra, daughter of Agamemnon of Mycenae and Clytemnestra of Sparta.
Elektra's primary abilities are a strong knowledge of martial arts and weaponry. Elektra learned ancient martial arts of China, Siam, and Japan. She is a master combatant with the Japanese Sai, her usual weapon of choice. She is also highly skilled with the katana, daggers, 3-sectional staff and shurikens. She is a master of many Japanese combat forms including Ninjutsu. Elektra is an Olympic-level athlete, strong in gymnastics and swimming, with a high level in athleticism in human strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. She is resistant to pain and extreme heat and cold. She is also able to keep to the shadows and move with such speed that she can remain unseen even in daylight, thus explaining why she is one of Marvel's top killers.
Elektra has demonstrated on occasion the ability to mesmerize others, and as such make them see illusions or other phenomena.
Elektra's strangest, and perhaps most obscure gift is her ability to "throw" her mind into those of others. For instance, she was able to track down her enemy, Ken Wind, by temporarily "borrowing" people's minds and acting through them while she hunted around for her prey. This temporal mind control enables her to metaphorically sniff out the psyche, or intent, of her targets. It saw extensive use during Elektra: Assassin, in which she was heavily reliant on only her ninja powers. It is unknown how long the effect lasts, but Elektra has gone a full two days or more in someone else's mind while they zoned out in hers.
Elektra has occasionally demonstrated low-level telekinesis, though it is possible that this may be an illusion which victims of her mesmerism are led to see. She can communicate telepathically with individuals possessing similar levels of mental discipline, such as the Chaste.
It is unclear what the limitations on her psychic ability are. She may be limited by touching distance or to minds easily affected by persuasion; the last time Elektra tried this trick, it was with S.H.I.E.L.D. Elektra was not born with this interesting gift: she mastered it through training and refinement with The Hand. Their fighters share a similar power, which means each of them — including Elektra — are mentally linked to The Beast, the relentless demigod of The Hand who has haunted her since she broke rank.
Nick Fury can attest to the usage of this eerie mind control in person. In the 90's, he conducted scientific experiments on the captured assassin and found strange morphology in her brain that explained her phenomenal reflexes, yet sane rationale. Elektra moves with heightened primal instincts but the more evolved parts of her brain remain intact, preserving her intelligence. In other words, she thinks like a woman and strikes like a cobra.
This "mind jump" ability might explain why Elektra is always a step ahead of her competition, or seems to know where her target is at all times. An extreme example would be the time she murdered an ambassador in South America. The man was sitting against the wall when Elektra sought out his mind and thrust her katana into his heart. The sword pierced through the thick wall and the politician was slain where he sat.
Elektra naturally works out her body through daily training. Her speed and agility are probably her greatest assets – she's been known to swipe weapons off of a trained operative before they can finish blinking or dodge the trajectory of incoming bullets. Elektra pushes herself on a daily basis to reach her human limits and has high levels of natural endurance, flexibility, and strength. Marvel handbooks and story books class her as athlete.