Nemu Kurotsuchi

Nemu Kurotsuchi (涅 ネム, Kurotsuchi Nemu) is the lieutenant of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 serving under Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Due to the fact that she was abused and mistreated in every possible way by her "father/creator," Mayuri, Nemu is a very shy, withdrawn, and introverted individual, preferring to stay silent in her captain's presence. Despite Mayuri's seemingly lack of care for her existence she is very loyal to him, to the point of willing to badly injure herself just to give him an advantage in battle. Unlike her "father," however, she seems to have compassion for others, saving Uryū Ishida's life as a thanks for not killing Mayuri.

Being the daughter of Mayuri, they share several similar traits. One such trait is their food preference. Nemu, just like her father, likes pike fish, and dislikes onion. Other similarities are their interest in Human experimentation and their main free-time activity, which is reading every single character published in Seireitei Communication.

It is also known that Nemu is being considered to be the next vice-president of the Shinigami Women's Association, supposedly because she carries out President Yachiru Kusajishi's orders just as faithfully as the ones of her father. Such orders included building hidden tunnels and a hide-out on the Kuchiki grounds for the members of the association to use. Surprisingly, Nemu shows great joy at the prospect, making it one of the few, if not only, times in the series she has shown actual emotion.

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