Chaos Code Hentai

Chaos Code (カオスコードKaosu Kōdo) is a fighting game series developed by FK Digital and published by Arc System Works.

The first game known as Chaos Code: Sign of Catastrophe was released for Sega's RingWide arcade system board on August 4, 2011. A port for the PlayStation 3 was first released on December 19, 2012, on Hong Kong's PlayStation Network, followed by subsequent home releases in both Japan and North America in 2013 and the PAL region in 2014. A remastered version, Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe, was released on arcades on June 6, 2013, and on PlayStation 4 and Windows on March 15, 2017. It features a new online mode and new characters. The game was ported to the Nintendo Switch and released on March 26, 2020.

This sequel title known as Chaos Code: Next Episode of Xtreme Tempest, was announced at 2018 as an in-work sequel title in Japanese arcades. The finalized title was revealed during Evo Japan 2020. However, FK Digital confirmed on February 9, 2020, that the sequel has been postponed for one year, possibly due to COVID-19 pandemic. A year later on February 18, 2021, the series’ producer, Mickey Lin confirmed on his Twitter that FK Digital has returned to the development of the sequel game. It was announced at Angels of Battle on April 2, 2022, that the Chaos Code Next demo will be exhibited at the same booth as soon as the latest update title of the first game is over at the KGP division of FKDigital on April 30, 2022.

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