Saori Makishima

Saori is the leader of the "Anime Girls Unite!" group on the Internet, who Kirino meets in a meet-up. She wears very thick glasses (shown as swirls) and speaks with a rather exaggerated tone. She is a fan of Gundam and is also a collector of their model kits. Saori is an aristocrat from a wealthy family, and speaks with a highly formal voice outside of meeting with her friends. She is pretty tall and usually has to get cosplay tailor made. As Kyōsuke says, Saori is drastically different from how she communicates through the Internet and through phone or speaking with her in person to which she seemingly switches to a refined and sophisticated persona. According to Kyōsuke in the light novels, she is dressed as a typical otaku from television but has the body of a supermodel. She also appears to enjoy having parties.

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