Natsuru Senō

A boy who woke up one day to find himself changed into a Kämpfer. Has the ability to shoot fire from his hands, but only when he transforms into a girl.

In the anime version, Natsuru appears to be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. In the manga version, he's a slightly smarter kid trying to understand the situation he's been thrown in to.
In either case, Natsuru woke up one day to find that a doll named Harakiri Tora (a tiger who appears to be in the middle of committing seppuku, as most Zomotsu (Entrails) Animals are designed) could talk to him, along with a bracelet around his wrist that he couldn't remove. Then he was told that he was a Kampfer, a warrior chosen to fight a war with other Kampfers for some unrevealed reason.
Everyone (seriously, EVERYONE) in Natsuru's school is gay for the female version of Natsuru, without realizing that the male and female Natsurus are the same person. The only people who do seem to notice are Akane and Shizuku.

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