The amazing world of gumball Hentai

The series revolves around the life of a young cat named Gumball Watterson (Logan Grove, seasons 1–2; Jacob Hopkins, season 3–present) and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore, accompanied by his adoptive goldfish brother and best friend Darwin Watterson (Kwesi Boakye, season 1–2; Terrell Ransom, Jr., season 3–present). Gumball's other family members—his intellectual younger sister Anais Watterson (Kyla Rae Kowalewski) and stay-at-home father Richard Watterson (Dan Russell), both rabbits, and workaholic mother Nicole Waterson (Teresa Gallagher), a cat—often find themselves involved in Gumball's exploits. Gumball attends school with his siblings at Elmore Junior High, where throughout the series he interacts with his various middle school classmates, most prominently his crush Penny Fitzgerald (Gallagher).

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Nicole Watterson

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Gumball Watterson

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Richard Watterson

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