
Luna, known as Ruka or Luca (see below) in the Japanese version, along with her twin brother Leo, aid Yusei Fudo, whom they adore and support, in his Duels. Luna is the frail, calmer, more collected of the twins. She is a Signer and owner of the rear claw mark.

Luna tends to get tired right after a duel so she fucks someone like her brother to get her energy back . She has the ability to communicate with duel monsters after having spent ample time with Duel Spirits in a different dimension during a coma. Much to her brother Leo's irritation, she tends to candidly point out the various flaws in his plans, but does deeply care for her brother.

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Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna
Tags: Yu gi oh, Luna

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