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Starfire is happy, cute, naive and somewhat insecure, but her naivete is not to be mistaken for stupidity. Though it is this naivete that endears her to others, especially to Robin. She and Robin are the closest out of all the Titans, and he takes time out to explain the ways of Earth to her. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs. This leads to much confusion for her and others, such as the awkwardness in casually drinking mustard and thinking cotton candy and cotton balls are the same thing. This strange behavior has made leeway for a LOT of comedy throughout the series. She takes friendship very seriously, and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight.
She is arguably the most social of the Titans, regularly meditating with Raven, or lifting weights with Cyborg. Above all, she wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along.
Starfire's personality changed dramatically from her first meeting with the Titans. In "Go!" she demonstrated her immense power and strength as she escaped from the Gordanian ship. While others saw rampant destruction without a cause, Raven saw her trying to free herself from her handcuffs. As mentioned above, it seems Tamaraneans learn language through lip contact, and having gotten what she wanted from Robin, she leaves him with a warning to leave her alone, knowing full well that the Gordanians were still hot on her trail.
As she fought against the Gordanians with the four other young heroes, her personality calmed dramatically, and she eventually apologized for the destruction she had caused during her escape.
This change in behaviour suggests Starfire truly was, at heart, the friendly, warm-hearted character we had known since the first episode. The reckless behaviour seen in the beginning of the episode might lend some credence to why Tamaraneans are so feared throughout the galaxy -- their strength is not easily matched. It also proves that Starfire is much, much stronger than she lets on and, when the time is needed, she's not afraid to kick a little butt.
While naive, she is extremely perceptive, and was the first to realize Robin was Red X. When the other Titans got angry, she kept her cool and scolded him calmly and rationally. While knowing he and Slade had similar personalities, she refused to believe he had gone to be Slade's apprentice of his own accord, spending hours looking for him in "Apprentice Part 2." Later in the episode she states that she "cannot live in a world where they must fight," showing that she values her friends more than anything. Her relationship with Robin is extremely important to her, and throughout the series she and he have continued to bond.